Source code for repocket.model

import json
import uuid
import logging

from repocket import attributes
from repocket.connections import configure
from repocket.registry import ActiveRecordRegistry

logger = logging.getLogger("repocket.model")

[docs]class ActiveRecord(object): """base model class, this is how you declare your active record. :: class User(ActiveRecord): id = attributes.AutoUUID() github_access_token = attributes.Bytes() name = attributes.Unicode() email = attributes.Unicode() carpentry_token = attributes.Bytes() github_metadata = attributes.JSON() obj1 = User( github_access_token=b'sometoken', email='', carpentry_token=b'1234', github_metadata={ 'yay': 'this is json baby!' } ) key = connection = configure.get_connection() raw_results = connection.hgetall(key) """ __metaclass__ = ActiveRecordRegistry def __init__(self, *args, **kw): for attribute, field in self.__fields__.items(): default = field.get_empty_value() raw_value = kw.get(attribute, default) if raw_value: value = field.cast(raw_value) else: value = default self.set(attribute, value) def __repr__(self): attributes = ', '.join(['{0}={1}'.format(k, repr(v)) for k, v in self.to_dict(simple=True).items() if v]) return '{0}({1})'.format(self.__compound_name__, attributes) def __getitem__(self, name): options = self.__fields__.keys() if name not in options: raise KeyError("{0} is not a valid field in {1}, options are {2}".format(name, self, options)) return getattr(self, name) def __eq__(self, other): if other is None: return False if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): raise TypeError('Cannot compare {0} with {1}'.format(self, other)) return self.to_dict() == other.to_dict()
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, **kwargs): """Takes all the valid attributes of an active record, saves it immediately and returns the instance, ready for further manipulation. """ item = cls(**kwargs) return item
@classmethod def _static_key_prefix(cls): return b'repocket:{0}:{1}'.format( cls.__namespace__, cls.__name__, ) def get_id(self): return getattr(self, self.__primary_key__, None) def _calculate_key_for_field(self, name): return b':'.join([ self._calculate_hash_key(), 'field', name, ]) def _calculate_hash_key(self): return b':'.join([ bytes(self._key_prefix), bytes(self._primary_key), ]) def _set_primary_key(self, value=None): if self._get_primary_key(): # already set, carry on return value = uuid.uuid1() self.set(self.__primary_key__, value) def _get_primary_key(self): return self.get(self.__primary_key__) @property def _key_prefix(self): """returns the key prefix for the given model class. this property is used for calculating a new redis key. It forms the keys based on the following pattern: :: repocket:python_module_contaning_your_model:YourActiveRecordClassName """ return self._static_key_prefix() @property def _primary_key(self): """ Repocket automatically assigns a UUID1 as the ``id`` of your model, after set, the id itself is used to compose the redis key. For example, let's say that your model has the uuid: ``c5bb91d4-45e6-11e5-b77b-6c4008a70392`` and that your Person model is defined at ``yourapp.models.Person`` the redis key will become: :: repocket:yourapp.models:Person:c5bb91d4-45e6-11e5-b77b-6c4008a70392 """ return self.get(self.__primary_key__) def append_to_bytestream(self, field_name, value): redis_key = self._calculate_key_for_field(field_name) conn = configure.get_connection() conn.append(redis_key, value) old_value = getattr(self, field_name) or '' new_value = bytes(old_value) + bytes(value) setattr(self, field_name, new_value) return redis_key def get(self, attribute, fallback=None): return getattr(self, attribute, fallback) def set(self, field_name, value): field = self.__fields__.get(field_name) if not field: tmpl = 'attempt to set unexisting field "{0}" in the model {1}.{2}' msg = tmpl.format(field_name, self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__) raise AttributeError(msg) if isinstance(field, attributes.ByteStream): old_value = getattr(self, field_name, bytes()) or bytes() value = bytes(old_value) + bytes(value) setattr(self, field_name, value) def to_dict(self, simple=False): data = { # the "hash" key contains the main attributes, but special # attributes like ByteStream get translated into other # redis data types, which also require special keys, # that's why the data is separated before serialized 'hash': {}, # the "strings" key contains all the attributes that are # of the type "string" 'strings': {}, } simple_version = {} for name, field in self.__fields__.items(): value = getattr(self, name, field.get_empty_value()) try: serialized_value = field.to_json(value) except Exception as e: logger.error('Failed to serialize field {0}.{1} of type {2} with value: {3} - {4}'.format( self.__class__.__name__, name, type(value), value, e )) serialized_value = field.get_empty_value() if isinstance(field, attributes.ByteStream): if not simple: data['strings'][name] = value else: simple_version[name] = value elif isinstance(field, attributes.Pointer): if not simple: data['hash'][name] = serialized_value else: simple_version[name] = value and value.to_dict(simple=True) or value elif isinstance(field, (attributes.UUID, attributes.AutoUUID)): if not simple: data['hash'][name] = serialized_value else: simple_version[name] = str(value) else: if not simple: data['hash'][name] = serialized_value else: simple_version[name] = value if simple: return simple_version return data
[docs] def save(self): """Persists the model in redis. Automatically generates a primary key value if one was not provided """ self._set_primary_key() redis_hash_key = self._calculate_hash_key() conn = configure.get_connection() data = self.to_dict() pipeline = conn.pipeline() pipeline = pipeline.hmset(redis_hash_key, data['hash']) redis_keys = { 'hash': redis_hash_key, 'strings': {} } for name, value in data['strings'].items(): redis_string_key = self._calculate_key_for_field(name) redis_keys['strings'][name] = redis_string_key pipeline = pipeline.set(redis_string_key, value) pipeline.execute() return redis_keys
[docs] def delete(self): """Deletes all the redis keys used by this model""" keys = [self._calculate_hash_key()] keys.extend([self._calculate_key_for_field(k) for k in self.__string_fields__.keys()]) conn = configure.get_connection() results = conn.delete(*keys) return results
[docs] def matches(self, kw): """Takes a dictionary with keyword args and returns true if all the args match the model field values""" matched = False for k, v in kw.items(): field = self.__fields__[k] comp = field.cast(v) if self.get(k) == comp: matched = True else: matched = False return matched