
Repocket is an active record that let’s you use redis as main data store.

Redis is commonly seen as a ephemeral, cache-purposed in-memory database.

But the reality is that redis is a data structure server.

In the same way that python has the int, float, unicode, list, set and dict builtin types, redis has equivalent datastructures, and some really cool functions to manipulate them in an optimized way.

Repocket lets you declare your models in a Django-fashioned way, automatically validate your fields, store in redis and retrieve them in a very elegant way.

Also Repocket is ready for application needs like “foreign key”.

Nobody likes foreign keys, relational databases get slow and complex because of relationships and constraints. In fact, the reason that all the logic of validation, contraints and consistency checks was built in SQL databases is that back in the day we didn’t have great application frameworks and thousands of open source tools to help us write great, reliable software.

But that changed, now you can use database servers just to store your data, and all the consistency checks and validations can live in your application code.

Repocket supports “pointers” which are references from one active record to another, also it will automatically retrieve the directly-related objects for you when you retrieve data from redis.

Here is a full example with all the supported field types of repocket:

from repocket import attributes
from repocket import ActiveRecord

 class Project(ActiveRecord):
     name = attributes.Unicode()
     git_uri = attributes.Bytes()
     metadata = attributes.JSON()

 class Build(ActiveRecord):
     id = attributes.AutoUUID()
     project = attributes.Pointer(Project)
     started_at = attributes.DateTime()
     ended_at = attributes.DateTime()
     stdout = attributes.ByteStream()
     stderr = attributes.ByteStream()